Treatment of Tuberculosis

Treatment Of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis should be evaluated in children and patients who have had a fever for more than 2 weeks, have a decreased appetite, are not gaining weight or are losing weight, have a minor cough, expanding node/swelling in the neck, or stomach pain/distension, and are not responding to antibiotics.

Our facility is well-equipped to diagnose and treat tuberculosis patients. Dr. Jasmeet K. Wadhwa is a renowned pulmonologist and expert on tuberculosis. She does a detailed history and physical examination to diagnose tuberculosis in a patient. A tuberculin test and sputum analysis, as well as a chest X-ray and other blood investigations, may be required of the patient.

A few patients may require more extensive testing, such as a CT scan or bronchoscopy.

Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Wadhwa specializes in treating patients with various types of tuberculosis, including those in the chest, lymph nodes, belly, bones, and the brain.

She is a specialist in correctly diagnosing and treating tuberculosis based on the signs and symptoms.

Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Wadhwa specializes in treating patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) or those who have not received enough anti-tubercular medication.