Treatment of
Sleep Studies |

Why my child needs Sleep Studies?

Treatment of Sleep Studies

Dr. Jasmeet K Wadhwa conducts sleep investigations at our facility.

A sleep study, also known as a polysomnogram, is a test that monitors your child’s sleeping patterns.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS)

  • If your child snores frequently due to an obstruction in the upper respiratory system, particularly if he or she has swollen tonsils and adenoids, or tissue in the rear of the nasal cavity. “The airway is still narrow between the ages of 3 and 5, but the tonsils and adenoids are at their largest, causing obstruction and disrupting sleep or stopping respiration for a few seconds i.e. apnea.” Snoring, laborious breathing, apnea, gasping, mouth-breathing, or sleeping in unusual positions are all signs of sleep apnea (such as with the neck hyperextended). Failure to thrive, or a lack of growth in height and weight.
  • To assess babies and children with apnea, periodic breathing, or central hypoventilation who are thought to have pathologic central apnea.

What a sleep study records?

  • Wires linked to the head detect brain waves during a sleep study, revealing the stage of sleep a person is in. Eye movement can be captured using leads placed adjacent to the eyes, which might be beneficial in determining whether or not a patient is sleeping in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Leg leads are used to track movement of the limbs. Bands across the chest and belly might reveal how difficult it is for a youngster to breathe. Air flow and temperature are measured by probes placed in the nose and mouth. Blood oxygen levels are measured via a sensor attached to a finger. The test will be done by a sleep technician. Brain waves, heart rate, eye movement, leg movement, breathing patterns, and oxygen levels are all recorded during sleep research.
  • Sleep technologists are people who have been trained to run tests on hospital machines.

How to help your child get ready for the sleep study?

  • Try to keep your child’s routine as normal as possible on the day of the sleep study. Changing your child’s routines will not help him or her perform better on the test. If your child normally takes a nap during the day, he or she should take a nap on the study day as well.
  • Sleep study results are delivered in the form of scores by a professional. It determines whether the patient’s problems should be treated medically or surgically.

Any Question?

A sleep study, or polysomnogram, is a test that monitors a child’s sleeping patterns to diagnose conditions like Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). It records various physiological parameters to assess issues such as snoring, breathing difficulties, or unusual sleep behaviors.

Indicators include frequent snoring due to upper respiratory obstruction, swollen tonsils and adenoids, apnea (pauses in breathing), gasping, mouth-breathing, unusual sleeping positions (like hyperextended neck), and failure to thrive or inadequate growth in height and weight.

The sleep study records brain waves to determine sleep stages, eye movements to identify REM sleep, limb movements via leg leads, breathing effort through chest and belly bands, airflow and temperature with probes in the nose and mouth, and blood oxygen levels using a finger sensor. Heart rate and other vital signs are also monitored.

Parents should maintain their child’s normal daily routine on the day of the sleep study. This includes allowing the child to take their usual daytime naps. Altering routines won’t improve test outcomes and might affect the child’s comfort during the study.

A trained sleep technologist administers the sleep study using specialized hospital equipment. After the study, a professional analyzes the recorded data to provide scores that help determine whether the child’s sleep issues require medical or surgical intervention.