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Various respiratory disorders might affect patients who have a persistent cough, noisy breathing, running nose, recurrent nasal discharge, headache, repeated vomiting, fever, breathing difficulty, chest pain, ear discharge, urticaria, skin allergy, rash, or swelling at any place.

  • Allergic Rhinitis
    Allergy to the nose and sinuses is known as allergic rhinitis. Sneezing, runny nose, nasal irritation, nasal obstruction, and sinus headaches plague the sufferer. It could be attributed to a variety of factors. Many irritants or allergens, both outdoor and indoor, cause nasal passage sensitivity. Parents usually ignore it until their child develops a high fever, a continuous headache, or develops Asthma. These issues can be avoided with prompt intervention and treatment.
  • Allergic Sinusitis
    Sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses become inflamed. It’s caused by an illness or an allergy. The patient may have nasal stuffiness and mucoid or watery discharge. There may be a headache and a fever as well.
  • Childhood Asthma
    Repeated coughing, noisy breathing, on-and-off cold, quick breathing, or breathing trouble are all symptoms of this illness. It is frequently misdiagnosed. Patients dismiss it as “bronchitis,” “allergies,” or “colds.” Asthma in children is not the same as asthma in the elderly. It’s entirely under control and can be treated with the right drugs. DO NOT BE CONCERNED IF YOU HAVE ASTHMA. ALTERNATIVE THERAPY IS NOT RECOMMENDED. If therapy is not received in a timely manner, the condition will worsen and eventually develop into Chronic Asthma.
  • Bronchitis
    Bronchial inflammation or swelling is another name for it. The patient may cough up sputum. It could be the result of a virus or bacteria.
  • Urticaria or Atopic dermatitis
    This is due to persistent itching and a rash all over the body. Aeroallergen exposure is the most common cause of acute urticaria. It can be caused by an insect bite or mite, as well as exposure to other outdoor allergens including pollens, insects, and dust, or ingestion of offending food allergens such almonds, milk, or legumes.
  • WALRI (Wheeze Associated Lower Respiratory tract infections)/ Wheezing or Noisy Chest
    This is a highly prevalent condition in children under the age of five. This child has a cold that is followed by noisy breathing, whistling sounds from the chest, and slight breathing trouble. This occurs more frequently in children during the winter or when the seasons change. The child is otherwise active but has a cough that is followed by vomiting. Parents are giving salbutamol nebulizers to their children, but they are only getting partial relief and are not fully recovered. The problem is under complete control and is being treated with the appropriate drugs.
  • Recurrent Snoring
    Only a few children are affected by this condition. When a child’s nose is stuffy or blocked, he breathes via his mouth the majority of the time. Snores because he sleeps with his mouth open. It can be aggravating if he gets a cold or a fever. He may experience sleep disturbances, dry mouth, daytime lethargy, on-and-off fever, and stunted growth. Adenoids or tonsils may be enlarged in the youngster. He need suitable treatment, such as X-rays or sleep exams, as well as the required drugs.
  • Pneumonia
    This illness is caused by a lung infection. It isn’t a nasal or airway obstruction. Any child who is exposed to a viral or bacterial organism can develop this condition. This child is unwell, with a fever, a continuous cough, and rapid breathing. Do not squander time if the youngster is under the age of one year. Consult your paediatrician or a paediatric pulmonologist for assistance. It can be treated with the right drugs if caught early enough.
  • Tuberculosis
    This is caused to a tubercle bacilli infection in the body. It can be contracted if a youngster is exposed to TB-positive people or adults in the family, neighbour, school, or a frequent visitor at home. In many circumstances, the source of infection may not be discovered. If the patient has had a fever for more than ten days and is not responding to treatment, or if they have a persistent cough/wet cough/swelling on the side of their neck or around their neck, they should see a doctor. Consult a doctor or a paediatric pulmonologist if your child isn’t eating well or losing weight. It could be TB of the chest, Lymphnode, Brain, or any other body organ. If the condition is detected early enough, it can be totally treated.
  • Cystic Fibrosis
    Recurrent pneumonia, wet cough, salty sweat, frequent loose and bulky movements, and oil droplets in the child’s faeces are all symptoms of this inherited and rare illness. The child eats normally but is losing weight and not growing properly. If recognised early, the problem can be treated symptomatically. If you see any signs and symptoms, contact a paediatric pulmonologist very once.
  • Foreign Body Obstruction
    A foreign body obstruction in the lung pipe can occur in children under the age of three. It may go unnoticed by mother, or she may discover abruptly that her child is having noisy breathing, coughing, or has a respiratory condition. Many times, choking or bouts of coughing are observed by family members. The child or toddler has a habit of putting things in his mouth, such as almonds, groundnuts, small plastic whistle caps, or plastic pins, and if he cries or laughs during that time, he can inhale that object into his lung pipe, causing obstruction at the vocal cords, trachea, or deep in the lung pipe. This is a critical situation. Consult your paediatrician or a paediatric pulmonologist right away.
  • Chronic Lung Diseases (Suppurative or Interstitial Lung Diseases)
    The patient may have a dry or moist long-term cough that causes difficulties breathing. This occurs in older children. It might be congenital, meaning it was there at birth, or it can develop as a result of other lung illnesses. It requires a chest X-ray or a CT scan. Depending on the disease and the time of presentation, the condition can be treated.